Between digital and analog

No, this article is not about signals and wavelengths, but about the struggle for balance between the new and the traditional.

We live in a fascinating time of possibility. We try to keep up with la vie a grande vitesse, but we relish the quiet moments when time flows slowly.

We care about the speed and availability of internet from a coffee shop, but we are calm waiting for a V60, chemex or even a steaming kettle. We take hundreds of digital photos, but we carefully choose a few special ones for print or album. We have ebook readers, tablets and phones with huge displays, but we don't give up the rustle and smell of a book that has just been printed, or on the contrary, one with a complex history behind it. We download the latest tracks from some online store, but we buy vinyl, because nothing compares to the clear sound of vinyl records. We go on holidays and use maps on our phone, but we also keep a printed tourist guide close at hand.

I think that there are things that will never go out of style: an application on the phone will not replace the wristwatch, social networks will lose to physical interaction and the coffee break will not be missing from our daily ritual. We were on the verge of embracing the digital age in all fields, yet we witness the opening of independent bookstores, art galleries, or participate in porcelain casting workshops.

We want to achieve everything in the shortest time, to have good results, turnover and indicators, but sometimes we need to take a break, look around and appreciate the small and beautiful things that surround us.

I start my mornings with a large cup of coffee while scrolling through a feed and answering emails. I prepare drafts on paper, then transfer them to digital format. In the evening, however, I read a book. Digital and analog blend perfectly in my daily activities. I am of the opinion that we should not resist the changes or flashes of the past, but go with the flow, taking advantage of the wonderful things that both worlds bring us.

Now inhale the aroma of the coffee, sip around and savor the moment.

About Irina : Although Chisinau was her first home, Irina fell hopelessly in love with Cluj, the city that adopted her 8 years ago. Poca (from Cluj NaPoca :) ) is also the name of her puppy, a small and sociable fluff, with whom she is inseparable. Besides Poca, Irina's great passions are illustrations and writing, which she maintains periodically through her lifestyle blog, .