Olivo Traveling Mugs. The Adventures of Egyik and Másik


The room was small and overcrowded. The whole family lived a peaceful existence in the dark without much physical activity. In other words, there was no need. They lacked nothing, they had each other, and that made them happy beyond measure. But that day shook the calm of their natural habitat.

The first sign of uneasiness crossed the faces of the two sisters as the light violently penetrated the home, forcing its way into the most hidden recesses, cloaking them all in an opalescent hue. For a split second, their attention was captivated by the colors. They didn't know what those little uneven spots of blue, green, brown and black were, and even more curious was the fact that the oddities were found on every member of the family. "It's going to be our symbol, you know?" they thought. They did not have time to deepen the discovery, because in the next seconds the horror happened.

A vaguely familiar touch, strange rustling noises, loud laughter and an unknown language. They were torn from the comforting warmth in which they had lived until then and moved to an unfamiliar space.

Before he could figure out where they were and what was going on, it was dark again. This time, however, they were alone, in a place similar to "home", but the brothers, parents, grandchildren, mother, father...no one was around anymore. It was just the two of them and both were shaking like a stick. They had not even made themselves comfortable in the new cramped and unfriendly space, because a strong jolt startles them even more. One of them, losing her balance, hit the wall with all her body weight. Luckily he had nowhere to fall. He didn't realize that the banging and clattering had covered the sound of a blow to his sister, who was about to lose her sight. They were on the move. They could not explain how the room could not be fixed in a stable point, not static. They were sick, dizzy, had no idea where they were being transported and why. They hoped to see their family again as soon as possible. Little did they know that would never happen.

As they became familiar with the undulating left-right movement of the modest little house, suddenly it wobbled with all its might, rocking forward. Then he stopped. The feeling of vertigo had not disappeared, on the contrary, this last maneuver of an untrained pilot in aviation, performed by God knows who, affects the two sisters, as white as lime, the most.

Egyik, the little girl, had lost her hat, and now she was struggling to get it back, with no real chance of success. Másik, irritated by her sister's flirtations, which disturbed her concentration, was ready to wander to her, but the light changed her plans.


First Egyik, then Másik disappeared from the room, both being lifted up to the walls, behind which they met again. Around them, three giants were exchanging indecipherable lines with each other, blowing foul-smelling smoke into their nostrils. Within three seconds, Egyik was grabbed by a yellow-haired dihania, who began groping her, turning her over and examining her from all sides. He wanted to hit her with his white hat, the only reliable weapon in dangerous situations, but he had lost it somewhere in that wretched room in which he had spent endless hours. While Másik was in her turn received by another giant, the third worked in the remains of the dwelling. Their surprise was not small when he lifted Egyik's hat with his thick and gnarled fingers, placing it on her head. Both sisters let out a somewhat relieved breath. "It means they mean no harm to us, since they returned my hat," Egyik cheered as the giant placed her against a brown wall, next to his sister. "Are they talking about us? What do they want to do? Where will they take us?"...unspoken questions, which remained unanswered, monopolized the thoughts of the two sisters who stared helplessly at the cheerful and noisy giants in front of them. Little did they know that they were sealing their fate in those very moments.

The giants, talking among themselves, about the two sisters:

  • These cups are very very beautiful. I can't wait to take them with me everywhere in Europe...to take them to the sea, to climb the mountain, to take pictures of them in the cities...It will be a wonderful project!
  • Absolute! But you have to be careful how you transport them, because they're quite sensitive, and I'm afraid they might break.
  • Nooo...I'll find something...Come on, thank you very much and we'll keep in touch.
  • Okay girl, come on, take care of yourself. And of cups!

About Alexa: She's not good at a lot of things, but she's a beast at string bean soup and she knows how to make dogs innocently wag their tails. More recently, learn how to make homemade chocolate. The rest of the time he writes or complains about having to write.